All the object are in very good condition. If the object has any defect, this will be clearly indicated. All items are available for selling or exchange, if not indicated.
Orders of purchase:
If you want to buy an item, please email us at: info@oggettivamentebello.it indicating the object code, your name and your complete address.
“Oggettivamente Bello” will answer, giving the instructions for the payment, shipment modalities and costs.
The item will be available as soon as we receive your request.
If you are interested in buying the item, remember that the payment will have to be completed within five working days from the receipt of our message. After the payment, please send us a confirmation message.
We accept following payment, in order of preference:
- PayPal
- International Bank transfer.
- For other ways of payment, please email us.
All items will be carefully packed and mailed by parcel post within five working days after we have receipt of the payment.
Shipping and insurance fees will be charge of the buyer.
To return an item:
You may send back any items for a full refund of the purchase price, if within five working days from the moment you receive them. You should e-mail before sending back the item to inform us of your intention. At the reception of the integral item, “Oggettivamente Bello” will refund the full price paid, shipping fees excluded.
Proposals of sale e/o of exchange:
Just send us by e-mail a photograph with the item’s complete description, its price or the value for exchange. “Oggettivamente Bello” will answer you as soon as possible.
Oggettivamente Bello will be delighted to examinate membership proposals by private collectors who would like to expose their objects on this site or wish to get in contact with other fans of collecting. If you are interested, please go to "contact" and write to us about it. We will answer very soon. Contacts:
For any information, just send us an e-mail or use the form below. We will answer as soon as possible. |